No matter how solid the credit foundation is within a company or how experienced and knowledgeable the credit decision-makers are, past due accounts are a reality of issuing credit. Accounts Receivable represents one of the largest assets of any business. Lou Spivack, P.C. assists clients in the recovery and protection of those assets through third party debt collections services. Our aim is to maximize the revenue collected for you while minimizing the risk.
At Lou Spivack, P.C. our core practice focuses upon financial recovery representation and litigation for Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, and Real Estate Management Firms. We provide top quality collections attorney services in Tucson, AZ, and throughout the USA.
Financial Institutions Commercial & Consumer Lending Representation
- Breach of Contract for Commercial & Personal Loans
- Automobile Deficiency Actions
- Unpaid Invoices
- Primary & Junior Lienholder Actions
- Student Loan Obligations
- Replevin Actions
Insurance & Surety Companies
- Subrogation
- Automobile Insured & Uninsured
- Fire & Product Liability
- Earned Premiums
- Bond Claim Actions
- Insured Overpayment
- Agent Balances
Real Estate Management Firms
- Evictions & Collections

Collections Fee Structure
All collections are done on a contingency basis – if we don’t collect, we don’t get paid.
In addition to our contingency based collection programs, Lou Spivack, P.C. also offers collections attorney services at flat or hourly rates based upon our client's needs.